About "Infection Control"


 Profile #24: Dr. ISHIGURO Nobuhisa, Associate Professor

 Hokkaido University Hospital

 Division of Infection Control


 【Research Topics】

 ・Intervention to reduce transmission of resistant bacteria mediated by water environments.





~Infection Control: old problems and a new approach~ 


The infection control team consists of physicians, dentists, nursing staff, pharmacists, laboratory personnel and secretary staff and supports highly advanced medical treatments in the medical setting by intervention in infectious diseases and infection control.

Infection control includes various measures preventing the spread of infectious diseases: hand hygiene, cleaning, disinfection, sterilization, use of personal protective equipment, vaccination, surveillance, isolation and quarantine, outbreak intervention and education.  These various experiences are helpful in controlling the transmission of COVID-19.

I am interested in decreasing nosocomial infections by blocking the transmission of pathogens mediated by environments.  Recently, I have been focusing on the transmission of gram-negative rod bacteria through water and I am aiming at the development of a new approach for infection control.


Infection control conference in the ward