About "Increased dairy production in Uganda"


 Profile #7: Dr. MAKITA Kohei, Professor

 Veterinary Epidemiology Unit, 

 School of Veterinary Medicine, Rakuno Gakuen University


 【Research Topics】

 ・Quantitative epidemiology contributing to the planning of controlling animal infectious

  and zoonotic diseases in Japan and developing countries

 ・One Health (Inter-disciplinary approach)

                      ・Ecohealth (Trans-disciplinary approach involving collaborations with multi-disciplines

                       and community/policy makers)



~Increased dairy production in Uganda achieved using trans-disciplinary approach~


Epidemiology is a subject for understanding disease situations in a population and providing roadmap to control diseases, and I have been researching on many infectious diseases in 14 countries in Asia including Japan and African regions.


Trans-disciplinary approach involves collaborations between researchers from different disciplines (horizontal thread) and between research, policy, and community (vertical thread), in order to efficiently feedback the knowledge generated to individuals for solving the problem.


In Uganda, through JICA Partnership Program, veterinary and agricultural experts collaborated to develop intervention packages based on the research results, and by the collaboration with local authority and communities, the techniques were adopted in the region. As a result, causal pathogens for human and cattle diseases were reduced, and milk production increased by 20%! Even now I sometimes receive a SNS call from the farmers just to tell me ‘hey, it is now rainy season and we have got rain!’.


Please visit our homepages of laboratory and OIE Collaborating Centre, though not updated very frequently.





Brucellosis survey in Myanmar              Cattle health check in Uganda under the JICA Partnership Program



 A dairy seminar held in collaboration between dairy farners and JICA project in Uganda.

 Participants show clothes donated by Japanese citizens for the promotion of One Cloth for

 One Cow to wipe teats before making.