第28回 One Health Relay Report(獣医学研究院 HENSHAW Michael James 講師)

第28回目はマイク先生による「One Health English Educationについて」のお話です。



 Mr. HENSHAW Michael James, Lecturer

 English for Specific Purposes

 International Affairs Division, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine







「One Health English Education」


The objects of One Health research—disease, food, wildlife, therapeutics—do not remain within the borders of a country. That means the intellectual interest of those who conduct One Health research cannot remain within the context of their own country. Because this is a transnational field, our English language program employs topics and situations to stimulate trans-boundary thinking.

Between workshops, public debates, and other group activities, our students have the chance for thoughtful discussion on a variety of global issues. Was it right to kill 17 million mink on Dutch farms because of possible COVID-19 infection? Is it okay to use gene editing to reduce mosquito populations in the fight against infectious disease? Do humans need to reduce meat consumption and eat vegetable protein, insects, and lab meat instead?

English is a tool to open a world of thought. You never know when you will have the next conversation that moves your life, so let’s make the most of every opportunity to meet great minds from around the world.


Graduate students from various countries discuss approaches to traumatic

brain injury during a hybrid version of our annual Global Leaders Workshop.


Visiting Thai exchange students speak with their Japanese counterparts.


Japanese undergraduates discuss the ethics of dog cloning practices of different countries