9月20日(水) WISE/LP特別講義開催のお知らせ

9月20日(水)WISE/LP特別講義(WISE/LP SPECIAL LECTURE)を開催します。                                                      


Please to inform that we will hold WISE /LP Special Lecture to invite Dr. Muyembe, Dr. Ahuka and Dr. Masumu   

who are conducting significant research in infectious diseases from DR Congo and an expert from JICA.


【Date】 13:30-16:30 September 20th (Wed.)

【Venue】Lecture Hall, Lecture Building, School of Veterinary Medicine



【13:30-14:00】Mr.TAKIZAWA Ikuo, Senior Deputy Director General, HumanDevelopment Department,JICA

  ◆Lecture title◆ JICA’ s Contribution to Global Fight against Infectious Diseases



【14:00-15:00】 Professor MUYEMBE-TAMFUM Jean-Jacques

                            General Director, the National Institute for Biomedical Research (INRB), DR Congo

  ◆Lecture title◆ Lifetime Achievements in Fighting Infectious Diseases and Enhancing Capacity Building: Special Mention on EVD

    Dr. Muyembe is the General  Directorof the DRC’s National Institute of Biomedical Research in Kinshasa, full Professor of

    Microbiology at the University of Kinshasa Medical School, and the inaugural president of the Congolese Academy of Science.

    Also, He is a laureate of Mérieux Foundation and Hideo Noguchi Africa Prizes. He is a globally recognized leader in the fight

    against Ebola and is a key figure in the World Health Organization efforts to combat infectious diseases.



【15:15-15:50】Professor AHUKA MUNDEKE Stève  

        Head of the Virology Department at the National Institute for Biomedical Research (INRB)        

  ◆Lecture title◆  Ebola and Covid-19 Outbreaks Management in DRC

    Dr. AHUKA has a background of studying at the University of Kinshasa, Nagasaki University, and the University of Montpellier.

    He is a Virologist specializing in emerging infectious diseases and is also an expert in Vaccinology. His research focuses on

    emerging infectious diseases related to viruses such as Ebola and Mpox.



【15:55-16:30】 Professor MASUMU MULUMBU Justin

                            Head of Zoonotic diseases department at the National Institute for Biomedical Research (INRB) and

                            Scientific Counsellor at the Central Veterinary Laboratory (CVL), DR Congo

  ◆Lecture title◆  Integrated Disease Control at the Interface Using the One Health Approach

    Dr. MASUMU also teaches at the University of Kinshasa and conducts research and surveillance on various zoonotic infectious

    diseases such as Ebola, rabies, Dengue fever, COVID-19, African swine fever, Newcastle disease, and brucellosis.



Pre-registration is not required, so please bring your ID and come directly to the Lecture hall.



We are looking forward to your participation.


Contact/問い合わせ先: WISE Office 

Email: ohf@vetmed.hokudai.ac.jp